From Source to Production: A Typical DevOps Workflow

DevOps is a set of practices that aims to streamline the software development and deployment process by improving collaboration between development and operations teams. In this article, we will discuss a typical DevOps workflow, from source code work environment to production, and the tools and techniques used to achieve this.

  1. Source Code Management:

The DevOps process begins with the source code management phase, where developers work on code changes in their local development environment and push the changes to a shared repository hosted on a software development platform like Git. This platform is the central repository for all the source code, and it is accessible to all the developers in the team.

  1. Continuous Integration (CI) with Jenkins:

The shared repository triggers a Continuous Integration (CI) process that builds and tests the code changes using an automation server like Jenkins. The CI process automatically compiles the code, runs unit tests, and creates builds. Jenkins is a widely used open-source automation server that provides an extensive set of plugins that allow for the integration of other tools and services.

  1. Automated Testing:

Automated testing is performed during the CI process to ensure that the code changes are free from errors and comply with the required standards. This process includes various types of tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests, to ensure that the code is ready for deployment.

  1. Staging Environment:

Once the code changes pass the automated tests, the changes are deployed to a staging environment for further testing and validation. The staging environment is an isolated environment that mirrors the production environment, where developers can test and validate the application before deploying it to the production environment.

  1. Containerization with Docker:

The application is packaged into a container using a containerization tool like Docker, which includes all the necessary dependencies for the application to run. Containerization provides a consistent and portable environment for the application to run, making it easy to deploy the application across different environments.

  1. Kubernetes for Orchestration:

The containerized application is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, which provides container orchestration and scaling capabilities. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes provides a way to manage containers at scale, and includes features like load balancing, resource allocation, and network configuration.

  1. Continuous Delivery (CD) with AWS CodePipeline:

The Continuous Delivery (CD) process is automated using a tool like AWS CodePipeline, which automates the deployment of the containerized application to production environments. AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed CD tool that provides a scalable and secure platform for automating the building, testing, and deployment of software applications to production environments.

  1. Production Environment:

The containerized application is deployed to a production environment and is available to end-users. The production environment is the live environment where the application is available for use by end-users. This environment must be highly available, reliable, and scalable to meet the demands of users.

In summary, the DevOps process involves using a software development platform like Git for managing source code changes, automated testing, continuous integration with Jenkins, containerization with Docker, orchestration with Kubernetes, and continuous delivery with tools like AWS CodePipeline to deploy the application to production environments. The process is designed to enable faster and more efficient software development and deployment, while ensuring high levels of quality and reliability.